Smoking is one of the most difficult addictions to break. Scientists estimate that cigarettes are more addictive than cocaine, heroin, or alcohol. According to the World Health Organization, smoking kills more people than any disease in the world. With all this information readily available, why do people continue to smoke?
Most people who smoke do so because they can't stop. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that makes people feel energized and alert. Smokers get a rush after a cigarette, and giving up produces withdrawal symptoms that include difficulty sleeping and cravings. Seventy percent of people who quit smoking eventually start again.
Tobacco advertising also has a big influence on why people smoke. For years, the industry has focused on making smoking glamorous through advertising in movies, television, and billboards. While cigarette advertising is now controlled, its influence can still be felt in the form of free samples, smoking cartoons, and the promise of cool merchandise that can be obtained in exchange for coupons printed on cigarette packs. Many people claim that smoking keeps them thin, but the truth is that smoking reduces the sense of taste, so many people who smoke simply eat less because they don't enjoy food as much.
Smoking also produces psychological dependency. Many people smoke because it helps them relax and cope with difficult situations, or because it gives them confidence. Others smoke when they feel bored. Smoking produces a feeling of satisfaction that's difficult to give up. Finally, people who smoke are usually in denial – they know that smoking is bad, but they convince themselves it's simply "not as terrible as they make it sound."
Smoking is a social activity as well. Many people who smoke do so as a way to start conversations and interact at parties or in crowded places. This is known as "social smoking," and it usually involves alcohol as a complement.
Many teenagers start smoking due to peer pressure. They may also smoke to feel more mature or as a form of rebellion against parental authority. It has been proved that children are also more likely to smoke if their parents do.

None of the much flaunted appeals of cigarette advertisers, such as superior taste and mildness, induces us to become smokers or to choose one brand in preference to another. Despite the emphasis put on such qualities by advertisers, they are minor considerations. This is one of the first facts we discovered when we asked several hundred people, from all walks of life, why they liked to smoke cigarettes. Smoking is as much a psychological pleasure as it is a physiological satisfaction. As one of our respondents explained: "It is not the taste that counts. It's that sense of satisfaction you get from a cigarette that you can't get from anything else."

What is the nature of this psychological pleasure? It can be traced to the universal desire for self-expression. None of us ever completely outgrows his childhood. We are constantly hunting for the carefree enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew older, we had to subordinate our pleasures to work and to the necessity for unceasing effort. Smoking, for many of us, then, became a substitute for our early habit of following the whims of the moment; it becomes a legitimate excuse for interrupting work and snatching a moment of pleasure. "You sometimes get tired of working intensely," said an accountant whom we interviewed, "and if you sit back for the length of a cigarette, you feel much fresher afterwards. It's a peculiar thing, but I wouldn't think of just sitting back without a cigarette. I guess a cigarette somehow gives me a good excuse."
Most of us are hungry for rewards. We want to be patted on the back. A cigarette is a reward that we can give ourselves as often as we wish. When we have done anything well, for instance, we can congratulate ourselves with a cigarette, which certifies, in effect, that we have been "good boys." We can promise ourselves: "When I have finished this piece of work, when I have written the last page of my report, I'll deserve a little fun. I'll have a cigarette."
The first and last cigarette in the day are especially significant rewards. The first one, smoked right after breakfast, is a sort of anticipated recompense. The smoker has work to do, and he eases himself into the day's activities as pleasantly as possible. He gives himself a little consolation prize in advance, and at the same time manages to postpone the evil hour when he must begin his hard day's work. The last cigarette of the day is like "closing a door." It is something quite definite. One smoker explained: "I nearly always smoke a cigarette before going to bed. That finishes the day. I usually turn the light out after I have smoked the last cigarette, and then turn over to sleep."
Smoking is often merely a conditioned reflex. Certain situations, such as coming out of the subway, beginning and ending work, voluntary and involunatary interruptions of work, feelings of hunger, and many others regulate the timetable of smoking. Often a smoker may not even want a cigarette particularly, but he will see someone else take one and then he feels that he must have one, too.
While to many people smoking is fun, and a reward in itself, it more often accompanies other pleasures. At meals, a cigarette is somewhat like another course. In general, smoking introduces a holiday spirit into everyday living. It rounds out other forms of enjoyment and makes them one hundred per cent satisfactory.
As we have said, to explain the pleasure derived from smoking as taste experience alone, is not sufficient. For one thing, such an explanation leaves out the powerful erotic sensitivity of the oral zone. Oral pleasure is just as fundamental as sexuality and hunger. It functions with full strength from earliest childhood. There is a direct connection between thumbsucking and smoking. "In school I always used to chew a pencil or a pen," said a journalist, in reply to our questions. "You should have seen the collection I had. They used to be chewed to bits. Whenever I try to stop smoking for a while, I get something to chew on, either a pipe or a menthol cigarette. You just stick it in your mouth and keep on sucking. And I also chew a lot of gum when I want to cut down on smoking...."
The satisfied expression on a smoker's face when he inhales the smoke is ample proof of his sensuous thrill. The immense power of the yearning for a cigarette, especially after an enforced abstinence, is acknowledged by habitual smokers. One of our respondents said: "When you don't get a cigarette for a long time and you are kind of on pins, the first drag goes right down to your heels."
Frequently the burning down of a cigarette functions psychologically as a time indicator. A smoker waiting for someone who is late says to himself, "Now I'll smoke one more cigarette, and then I am off." One person explained, "It is much easier to watch a cigarette get smaller and smaller than to keep watching a clock and look at the hands dragging along."
In some countries, the farmers report distances in terms of the number of pipes, as, for example, "It's about three pipes from here to Smithtown."
A cigarette not only measures time, but also seems to make time pass more rapidly. That is why waiting periods almost autuomatically stimulate the desire to smoke. But a deeper explanation of this function of smoking is based on the fact that smoking is ersatz activity. Impatience is a common feature of our times, but there are many situations which compel us to be patient. When we are in a hurry, and yet have to wait, a cigarette gives us something to do during that trying interval. The experience of wanting to act, but being unable to do so, is very unpleasant and may even, in extreme cases, cause attacks of nervous anxiety. Cigarettes may then have a psychotherapeutic effect. This helps to explain why soldiers, waiting for the signal to attack, sometimes value a cigarette more than food.
Frequently, our respondents remarked that smoking cigaretees is like being with a friend. Said one, "When I lean back and light my cigarette and see the glow in the dark, I am not alone any more...." In one sense, a cigarette seems to be something alive. When it is lighted it appears to be awakened, brought to life. In a French moving picture (Daybreak) the hunted criminal, played by Jean Gabin, holds out as long as he has his cigarettes. He barricades himself against the police and stands siege courageously for some time -- until his last cigarette is gone. Then he gives up.
The companionable character of cigarettes is also reflected in the fact that they help us make friends. In many ways, smoking has the same effect drinking has. It helps to break down social barriers. Two smokers out on a date light up a cigarette as soon as they get into their car. "It's just the right start for an evening," they say. Immediately they feel at ease, for they have found an interest they both share.
We could report many true anecdotes to illustrate how cigarettes bring people together. One such story was related by a middle-aged lady: "A long time ago, on a steamer, there was a boy I was quite eager to meet... but there was no one to introduce us.... The second day out, he was siting at a table right next to me, and I was puffing away at my cigarette. The ashes on my cigarette were getting longer and longer, and I had no ash tray. Suddenly he jumped up and brought me one. That's how the whole thing started. We arestill happily married."
In mythology and religion, smoke is full of meaning. Its floating intangibility and unreal character have made it possible for imaginative man to see therein mystery and magic. Even for us moderns, smoke has a strong fascination. To the cigarette smoker, the clouds he puffs out seem to represent a part of himself. Just as most people like to watch their own breath on cold winter days, so they like to watch cigarette smoke, which similarly makes one's breath visible. This explains the emotional attitudes of many toward smoke. "Smoke is fascinating," said one of the people we interviewed. "I like to watch the smoke. On a rainy day, I sort of lie in a haze in the middle of the room and let my thoughts wander while I smoke and wonder where the smoke goes."
The desire to make things is deep-rooted -- and smoke is manufactured by the smoker himself. Smoking provides satisfaction because it is a playful, creative activity. This fact was well stated by one cigarette devotee as follows: "It's a fascinating thing to watch the smoke take shape. The smoke, like clouds, can form different shapes.... You like to sit back and blow rings and then blow another rings through the first ones. You are perfectly relaxed."
Certain moments in our lives are closely linked with cigarettes. These situations often leave on people's memories an important imprint never to be forgotten. Here is such an occasion, described by an office clerk of twenty-one. "...I can remember the moments when I returned home - no matter how late - after having been out with a girl on a Saturday night. Before going to bed, I'd sit on the fire escape for a while and enjoy a smoke. I'd turn around so that I could see all the smoke going up. At the same time, the windows would be bright with lights on the other side of the courtyard. I would watch what the people were doing. I would sit, and watch, and think about what my girl and I had talked about and what a nice time we had had together. Then I'd throw the cigarette away and go to bed. I feel these were really the most contented moments in my life...."
"I remember one time we were in North Africa on a trip and it was evening," said one of our respondents, a nurse about twenty=seven years of age. "During the day, I had noticed there was a lovely spot to sit, across the way from the hotel where we were staying. I went there at night, and sat looking at the stars and the tall cypresses illuminated against the night sky. I was far away in my thoughts. I was thinking of God and the beautiful world he had made. The smoke from my cigarette rose slowly into the sky. I was alone, and at the time I was a part of all the world around me....".
The mind can concentrate best when all outside stimuli have been excluded. Smoking literally provides a sort of "smoke screen" that helps to shut out distractions. This explains why many people who were interviewed reported that they cannot think or write without a cigarette. They argued that moderate smoking may even stimulate mental alertness. It gives us a focal point for our attention. It also gives our hands something to do; otherwise they might make us self-conscious and interfere with mental activity. On the other hand, our respondents admit that smoking too much may reduce their efficiency.
One shortcoming of our modern culture is the universal lack of adequate relaxation. Many of us not only do not know how to relax, but do not take time to learn. Smoking helps us to relax because, like music, it is rhythmic. Smoking gives us a legitimate excuse to linger a little longer after meals, to stop work for a few minutes, to sit at home without doing anything that requires effort. Here is a nostalgic comment contributed by a strong defender of smoking: "After a long day's work, to get home and sit in a chair and stretch my legs 'way out, and then to sit back and just smoke a cigarette and think of nothing, just blow the smoke in the air - that's what I like to do when I've had a pretty tough day." The restful effect of moderate smoking explains why people working under great stress use more tobacco.
In times of high tension, cigarettes provide relief, as indicated by the following typical comments of one of our respondents: "When I have a problem, and it comes back and back, warningly saying, 'Well, what are you going to do about this?' a cigarette almost acts like a consolation. Somehow it relieves the pressure on my chest. The feeling of relief is almost like what you feel in your chest after you have cried because something has hurt you very much. Relaxing is not the right kind of word for that feeling. It is like having been in a stuffy room for a long time and at last getting out for a deep breath of air." That man's explanation comes very close to stating the scientific reason why smoking brings relief. Worry, anxiety, depress us not only psychologically but also physiologically. When a person feels depressed, the rhythm of his breathing becomes upset. A short and shallow breath creates a heavy feeling in the chest. Smoking may relieve mental depression by forcing a rhythmic expansion of the breast and thus restoring the normal pace of breathing. The "weight on the chest" is removed.
This connection between smoking and respiration accounts for the common expression, "Smoking helps us to let off steam." When we are enraged, we breathe heavily. Smoking makes us breath more steadily, and thus calms us down.
Most people like the smell of tobacco but dislike the taste of a cigarette. Frequently we were reminded that "a cigarette never tastes as good as it smells. One usually very much dislikes his first cigarette. Taste for cigarettes must be acquired slowly. And whenever a smoker tries out a new brand, with a lightly different taste, he finds that he has to repeat this process of becoming accustomed to the taste. Often smokers who say they do not like the taste of certain brands really mean that they are not accustomed to it. Few advertisers of cigarettes realize that it takes time for a smoker to change his taste habits. No matter how pleasant the taste qualities of a brand may seem to be, at first the unaccustomed taste will be disliked. One of our respondents made the following interesting comment on this point: "I went to Bulgaria once and was forced to smoke Bulgarian cigarettes. I tried one brand after another till I had gone through five brands. Finally, the sixth brand seemed to be perfect. I discovered much later that any of the other brands might have become my preferred brand if only I had tried it in the sixth place. It just took me that long to learn to appreciate Bulgarian tobacco."
Much of this guilt feeling can be traed directly to one's first cigarette, which the older generation remember as a forbidden and sinful thing. Their fathers considered the habit an educational problem, whereas many parents nowadays have adopted a "modern" attitude toward smoking. Here is what one such father said: "I told my son I thought he was a little young... He is seventeen. It might not do him any harm to wait another year or two. Then I remembered my own first cigarette and what awful stuff I had to smoke in secret. In a way, my son is lucky to be able to start with a good cigarette without running the danger of ruining his health. I gave him a pack of the brand I smoke."
Most of us remember vividly the first cigarette we smoked. "I certainly remember my first cigarette," said one of our respondents. "We were a bunch of boys on our way to a football game. I had trouble lighting my cigarette, and at that moment a man passed by and yelled at me: 'Throw that cigarette away, you rascal!' I was so shocked and frightened that I obeyed his command without hesitation. But only a few minutes later, I lighted another one just to demonstrate to myself that I was not afraid.
A new pack of cigarettes gives one a pleasant feeling. A full, firm pack in the hand signifies that one is provided for, and gives satisfaction, whereas an almost empty pack creates a feeling of want and gives a decidely unpleasant impression. The empty pack gives us a feeling of real frustration and deprivation.
During the seventeenth century, religious leaders and statesmen in many countries condemned the use of tobacco. Smokers were excommunicated by the Church and some of them were actually condemned to death and executed. But the habit of smoking spread rapidly all over the world. The psychological pleasures derived proved much more powerful than religous, moral, and legal persuasions. As in the case of the prohibition experiment in the United States, repressive measures seem to have aroused a spirit of popular rebellion and helped to increase the use of tobacco.
If we consider all the pleasure and advatnages provided, in a most democratic and international fashion, by this little white paper roll, we shall understand why it is difficult to destroy its power by means of warnings, threats, or preachings. This pleasure miracle has so much to offer that we can safely predict the cigarette is here to stay. Our psychological analysis is not intended as a eulogy of the habit of smoking, but rather as an objective report on why people smoke cigarettes. Perhaps this will seem more convincing if we reveal a personal secret: We ourselves do not smoke at all. We may be missing a great deal.
1.      Ernest Dichter (1947) The Psychology of Everyday Living.
2.      "WHO/WPRO-Smoking Statistics". World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific. 2002-05-28. http://www.wpro.who.int/media_centre/fact_sheets/fs_20020528.htm. Retrieved 2009-01-01.
3.      Gilman & Xun 2004, pp. 46–57
4.      WHO REPORT on the global TOBACCO epidemic 2008, pp. 267–288
5.      Leslie Iverson, "Why do We Smoke?: The Physiology of Smoking" in Smoke, p. 320
6.      MMWR April 12, 2002 / 51(14);300-3
7.      BMJ, Am J Public Health 1995:1223-1230 doi:10.1136/bmj.38142.554479.AE (published 22 June 2004)
8.      Am J Public Health 1995:1223-1230
9.      Thun MJ, Hannan LM, Adams-Campbell LL, Boffetta P, Buring JE et al. (2008). "Lung cancer occurrence in never-smokers: An analysis of 13 cohorts and 22 cancer registry studies". PLoS Med 5 (9): e185. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050185. PMC 2531137. PMID 18788891. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2531137.
10.  BMJ 1997;315:973–80
11.  American Legacy Foundation factsheet on lung cancer; their cited source is: CDC (Centers for Disease Control) The Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Surgeon General. 2004.
12.  Nyboe J, Jensen G, Appleyard M, Schnohr P. (1989). "Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Copenhagen. I: Hereditary, educational and socioeconomic factors. Copenhagen City Heart Study.". Eur Heart J 10 (10): 910–6. PMID 2598948.

WHY I SMOKED- Mark Hughes
I smoked for decades before finally successfully quitting. I started because my family members smoked and my peers smoked, so it seemed like something people did when they reached a certain age.
When I first smoked, for many years in fact, it calmed me and felt enjoyable because of the pick-up and buzz it provided. It was also a social act, because in school (including high school) we'd have to go outside to smoke, so you went with friends and talked and joked around while sharing a smoke. It provided a break at work, when you had an excuse to leave with a few friends and talk and smoke for a few minutes. So there was a social element arising from associating smoking with growing up and being with your family and peers as an "equal."
And it was addictive.  Horribly, horribly addictive.  Nicotine causes changes to your brain chemistry after prolonged regular use, making your brain cells essentially believe they need it to survive -- this is quite comparable to how your brain makes you react for oxygen, since your brain cells need it to survive.  I've had nicotine cravings that were absolutely as intense as if you held your breath until you can't hold it anymore from the feeling of having to breathe. I've wanted nicotine worse than any time when I've been hungry (and for some self-revelation, I grew up in rural poverty, so I've been hungry). For most people, if you smoke enough, long enough, you'll become addicted. And the longer you are addicted, the harder it is to quit.
This gets to the most interesting and least understood parts of the answer to why people smoke.  At first you have all of these reasons that you start smoking and want to smoke, and the addiction includes a dependency on how the cigarettes make you feel.  But eventually, you no longer smoke because of anything you actually get from the act of smoking.  You smoke to stop feeling the way you do when you aren't smoking.
Let me explain. If you aren't a smoker, think about how you feel when you are normal.  Just everyday, ordinary normal feeling, not "happy" or "relaxed" etc, just totally average as if you aren't even thinking about how you feel.  That is what is achieved for a smoker by smoking -- feeling normal. Because without the smoking and nicotine, a smoker doesn't feel that normalcy.  There is a total physical and mental and even emotional sense of "wrongness" to your whole person, and a desperation to make that wrongness go away and to feel normal, and the only way to achieve it is through smoking.
That's the truth about addiction -- that it becomes all about a constant need to find and use the drug just to stop feeling the way you feel when you aren't on the drug, more than really anything to do with how you feel when you're actually on the drug itself. It's hard to fully explain this to someone who hasn't experienced it, but holding your breath is one good example.
Really, though, instead try this: select either your lover/significant other, best friend, or family member who is most important to you in life, and ask them to be ready on a moment's notice to obtain and feed you whatever your favorite food is.  Then stop talking to them or even seeing them, and stop eating.  Go as long as you possibly can, and think about how you feel that very first minute knowing it will be literally days and days without seeing or speaking to the person you love and without any food, and how hungry and lonely you will be.  Feel that little tinge of panic, even though you've not even gotten hungry or been without your loved one more than a minute?  Imagine that for days on end, and THAT hunger and emotional fear and need is how it feels for an addict going just a day without their drug, and in fact the panic and tinge of fear sets in the moment you say to yourself "I'm quitting."
Because there is an absolute emotional quality to addiction, and a terrible fear and sadness when you stop.  It's been such a part of your life, and you are about to tear it out forever, and it's like you are losing a best friend.  That sounds crazy to those of you who have not experienced real addiction, but it's absolutely true, I promise you, and it's not about being "weak" or "strong" -- you don't tell someone they are "weak" for being unable to stop breathing, or for having to eat.  You don't tell a person they are weak or "it's all in your head" if their kidneys fail or their heart is damaged. Addiction that causes changes to people's chemistry is a literal physical, biological reality and it's absurd and illogical to blame people for that reality.  Blame us for GETTING addicted? Yes, I understand that I'm to blame for getting hooked in the first place (although I would appeal to the fact I was a kid and ignorant and surrounded by it, and the companies did their best to convince us it was healthy and fine etc), but once hooked you are seriously biologically dominated by the addiction.
I'd like to explain what it took for me, as a decades-long addict (who smoked two packs per day on average), to finally stop smoking for good, because it helps demonstrate something about how mixed up a smoker's emotions and perspectives really become, and what it takes to finally break through.
My wife accepted that I smoked, when we first met and started dating.  She accepted it, reluctantly, when we married many years ago.  But over time, she had been asking me to cut down, and ultimately started asking me to quit. She told me she didn't want to live the last years of her life alone mourning me after I died from smoking-related causes.
I had told her for years that it was pointless to ask me to quit for her, because statistically in order to successfully quit you have to want to do it for yourself and not be talked/pushed into it (however true or untrue those claims were, I don't know, but I'd long heard that was the case and it fit with my addicted desire to remain addicted).  I told her that she knew I smoked, and if she loved me then she had to let me make the choice and accept the choice I make, and that I would eventually quit when I was ready and personally wanted to "for myself."
But then a funny thing happened after we had a big argument about my smoking, in which I again reiterated my claim that I would quit when I wanted to quit "for myself" -- I realized I'd never quit if I was waiting until I personally just no longer "wanted" to smoke. And if I were never going to stop, I felt I needed to admit that to myself and to my wife, and tell her she has to accept that I'll always smoke. And that's the moment when I had a crystal-clear realization about the whole situation:  I started smoking because everyone else did and it seemed normal, then I kept smoking because it was the only way to feel normal, but it's not "normal" at all to expect people who love me to accept me poisoning myself to death.  I was struck by this horrible realization that I'd for years told my poor wife that if she loves me, she'll let me slowly murder myself until she's left watching me die horribly from disease. I felt ashamed in a way I can't express.
I realized that I needed my own desire to quit to be 100% influenced by my wife's desire for me to quit.  I needed to not want to leave her mourning me in her last years, and I needed to want to stop poisoning myself in front of her and expecting her to suffer it silently until she sees me die. If her desire for me to stop was so important to her, then it should influence what I want, just as her desire and hopes influence my own in every other instance. The people who loved me most wanted me to stop, and I needed to become one of those "people."  So I did, and I quit.

Comment 1
I started smoking at age 12, sneaking a few here and there, but now I'm 30 and smoke 2.5 packs a day. If I'm drinking i can kill a whole pack in a couple hours.
I've noticed I just can't do mountain biking or rock climbing like my friends. It really holds me back. I have friends who are competitive in marathons and I can't even hardly start one, much less finish one, so please don't start!
Comment 2   
I really don't understand why people smoke, even though they are aware of the fact that smoking is detrimental to the health. I am so glad that am in the non smoker bunch. I am blessed!! I am someone who cannot even stand passive smoking!
Comment 3   
I used to smoke for fun, but never really get hooked on it. Now, I'm feeling so much stress lately. For such a long time i could handle the stress by working out and sports, but now i feel like i can't handle it anymore.
My blood pressure is so high (148 over 89) and I'm only 25. Right now, just thinking of smoking makes me relax. I'll just try to do other things and if my blood pressure wont go down i guess I'll try smoking. if that won't work then i don't know.
Comment 4   
I have been smoking since I was 11. I'm now 24 and I feel short of breath some days.
I love the smell of a rich blend tobacco and its taste, but I can no longer afford it health wise and money wise. I won't gripe or 'babble.' I still haven't quit, but when I have, I won't haunt you for smoking. I'll just walk away.
Comment 5   
The main reasons people smoke are: 1. Peer pressure as a kid, 2. Influence from tobacco advertising (in the past this was very prominent, not so much today) and entertainment (smoking in movies and tv shows), and I think the main one is 3. Having friends who smoke and wanting to fit in with them. Does it make you look or feel cool? In a way, it does. Psychologically it can be calming in a social situation to have something to do with your hands and your mouth while talking and meeting with others. Chewing gum can have a similar effect.
Cigarettes have been called "pacifiers for adults." When I learn that someone I admire is a smoker it makes me think a little less highly of them, to be honest. I admire people who are rational, intelligent and non-conformist, and I think of smoking as the antithesis of all those qualities.
If you're thinking about starting smoking, I recommend you talk with someone who is suffering from lung cancer and ask them what their life is like.
Comment 6   
My main proposition to non-smokers is stop being so opinionated. Every smoker knows what they're doing is bad for them, and there's a lot of reasons why they keep doing it.
I recently quit smoking so I see all the advantages of quitting, but it's such a pleasurable activity.
The point i want to make is that smoking is often more deep-rooted than just liking to smoke, so all you non-smokers need to stop judging!
Comment 7   
I'm fine with smokers, just as long as they don't do it around me. I don't want to stink and die from second-hand smoke! My whole family is composed of nonsmokers and I am very glad they don't.
I choose not to smoke for many reasons. The main reason is that I don't want to die! I would be so angry if I were to get lung cancer because of something I did to myself. I think drinking is much worse, though, because it has a negative effect on people and makes them act like fools.
Comment 8   
Looking back, i used to love stinking. It was really cool to have to go and sneak a smoke at work, and i especially loved it when you saw someone light up you had to join them, like part of a special little club.
I feel so denied now that i can walk up a flight of stairs without getting puffed, and i feel so denied that i can really enjoy food and drink now to its fullest. I feel denied too, because whenever i get drunk, i don't get anywhere near as hung over. Yep, no doubt about it: I'm missing out.
Comment 9   
I'm 13 and I've smoked a few, had a bowl. And i still like weed but I'm done with cigs. i didn't like them so i stopped. it wasn't that they were gross or anything but i just didn't like them anymore so i quit. it's not that hard if you want to quit, but i don't care whether people do it or not.

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