sports motivation

Professional sports require it! Without the right motivation for sports many young athletes lose their way and the game suffers. Legal and personal issues take the player’s head out of the game making for poor performance on as well as off the field or court.
There may be many different reasons a professional athlete needs motivation; Professional athletes live an unusual life with many factors that may make relationships difficult. The pressure to perform at an elite level requires a lot of support from friends and family, without that support, success may be difficult if not impossible to achieve.
Problems occur when friends and family do not offer the strong level of support the athlete needs, this creates a dysfunctional support environment. This dysfunctional support will result in poor performance both on and off the field. The athlete may make bad choices regarding friends and join them in destructive or illegal activities.
A successful player needs to be constantly on alert around new friends and acquaintances. They need to always be second guessing the intentions of the people around them always on the lookout for scam artists and users. Scam artists and users follow the money and many times inexperienced young men from poor backgrounds make for an easy mark.
Also, since many gifted athletes showed promise as children, they often missed out on a lot of normal childhood activities and experiences. Long hours of practice, sports motivation and a restrictive diet do not leave a lot of time for hangin’ with the guys. Though the may achieve amazing feats on the court or field they are often not emotionally mature or experienced enough in their personal lives, making the easy prey for bad influences and freeloaders.
Add all of that together with the physical brutality of competition and it is simple to see why so many young professional athletes need more support and motivation in sports to stay on top of the game both on and off the field.
A highly motivated person would be more eager to give a better performance than a lowly motivated one with the same skills.
Likewise, a person who has less skill but more motivation can train to be better than another who has more skill but is less motivated to put in 100% of effort.
However, motivation does not mean that sports performance is definitely increased. The source of big flops are a lack of motivation, over confidence and over motivation. Over motivation means that a person is so motivated to perform well that he outperforms his limit and flops.

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